Documentary Films
“God Grew Tired of Us” is one of the hundreds of documentaries in the film industry. These days, you will find documentaries not only made by mainstream filmmakers, but also the independent ones. There are various options available today that those who want to create their own documentary film can start anytime, given that they have the basic equipment needed for a film.
It doesn’t matter which stage you are in your documentary project. Whether you are still searching for amazing documentary ideas, seeking for the right videography tips, interviewing tips or lighting tips, or still trying to figure out a way on how the script should be written, it doesn’t change the fact that creating documentary films is one of an amazing adventure.
Below are some of the basic guidelines that will help you on your journey of the documentary film.
A story that you love to talk about. This is mostly about a certain situation that faces humanity and one that you care deeply about. There are various situations that are worth making a documentary about, but ideas will come easily to you and what your content will be if you pick a story that you really care about. It should be a subject that you are really excited about. If the feeling is lukewarm, the same will happen with the final movie, too. Make sure that you make a documentary that you are really passionate about and one that makes sense for you. There are a lot of people that do not “get” what your idea really means. But if you do get it, this is what it truly counts.
Once you have settled down on a subject, it is your job to find out more about it. Oftentimes the story lines are very obvious as soon as you embark on it, but there are times that you come to a halt because you lack supporting evidence that it is indeed true or there is still something that needs to be refined. You need to dig deeper and follow any leads that are presented to you. This is where your investigative journalism skills will flourish. You need to gather all the facts associated with the subject you are creating a film from, especially when it leads on to interesting story lines and characters. The gold in your stories are oftentimes buried and are hidden from plain sight.
Create a plan
In your plan, you have to make an outline. You need to think thoroughly about how you are going to tell the story. You have to consider the structure of the documentary and its style. Do you have sources on existing photos or footage that will aid in telling your story or do you need it shot entirely new? Who are the primary characters? How will you make an intrigue for the audience to get hooked to your documentary? What are the core points of the story? Which elements of the story are considered compelling or that one that makes you feel interested?
Keep in mind that these are just the basics. You will find more if you are going to make your documentary compelling.